Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pizza Fun

My mom saw on a talk show that you can make pizza with your kids as a fun activity together. I thought Lincoln would really enjoy this and so I got all the ingredients at my next outing to the grocery store. My son loves HAM. loves loves loves ham. He would eat ham and crackers for lunch and dinner every day if we let him. So, as our toppings I got ham and pineapple.
For the crust I just get ready made Pillsbury pizza dough and yummy ready made tomato and basil sauce. I let him unroll the dough and spread the sauce.
Then I let him put as much cheese as he wanted. (Next time I will get the right cheese)
Next was the ham....can you tell he loves ham. He kept on saying, "More, mom!"
Last was the pineapple and then bake.
It was so much fun to make a pizza with Lincoln. It was yummy. I will make this a traditional thing we do.


  1. This is one of my kids favorite things to do. I have even made the dough from scratch to teach them a little science lesson, ie, how yeast rises. With four kids, 2 toppings doesn't cut it, so I chopped up about 5-6 things and make mini pizza's so they each make there own.

    Fun for play dates and birthday parties too!

  2. My grandma and I used to make pizza every time she came to visit when I was a child. Some of my best memories.

    ***Now I am craving pizza :)

  3. What a cute idea! This will be a fun blog to read.

  4. Such a fun idea!! I will be checking for ideas myself!!
